Healing Case Studies


Health Scanning the Body’s Energy Field

Health Scanning the Body’s Energy Field

One particular client attended about a year ago and this was one of the most unusual cases I have experienced. Normally when a client attends for therapy, they have been diagnosed by a doctor or medical specialist. They may take advice and go down the medical route for treatment

One Event Can Change Your Perception of Life

One Event Can Change Your Perception of Life

Life has a strange way of throwing us into unanticipated situations which can act as catalyst for profound change in our view of the world, our relationships and our place in the universe. One dramatic and shocking event can catapult us into a new world-view.

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Suppressed Fears Can Affect Your Life

Suppressed Fears Can Affect Your Life

On a regular basis The Oisin School of Energy and Sound Healing Therapy hold a refresher get-together with practitioner, trainees and students sharing stories, and information and catching up on the latest developments in the area of CAM (Complementary and Alternative Healing Therapy).
Overcoming Loss, Hurt, Shock & Guilt

Overcoming Loss, Hurt, Shock & Guilt

Andrew aged sixty-five retired from his family’s bread business approximately one year ago after he suffered a major heart attack. He has three grown up children and one grandchild. His wife passed away suddenly when the children were very young. He had put all his energy into rearing their children.
The Effect on A Teenager of School & Cyber Bullying

The Effect on A Teenager of School & Cyber Bullying

Alanna aged fifteen the oldest of three children, had been making good progress at school and at sport. Then her parents began to notice some subtle changes in her behaviour over a period of months. She was refusing to play sport and complaining of constantly feeling sick.

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